Fresh Expressions Books
Dinner Church: Building Bridges by Breaking Bread
A book that reveals the historic Agape way of doing church that we see in the New Testament and how one declining 85-year-old church watched its rebirth in their story.
Welcome to Dinner, Church
A short introduction to Jesus’ dinner table theology and a discussion guide for groups getting ready to plant a Dinner Church in their city.
Welcome to Dinner Church (DVD VIDEO SERIES)
A video companion to the book of the same name that features 10-minute video’s designed to set up group discussions and help a team prepare to open a dinner church.
Dinner Church Handbook
A step-by-step guide for leaders and teams who are feeling called to plant a Jesus table in their city. It deals with practical things like where to plant, how to fund it, impressive menu’s that average cooks can make happen, etc.
A Trowel and Sword
Prayer Practice for Those on the Front Lines of the Gospel; Prayer that fuels the Mission of the Church.
Story Priority
How to change lives using the 468 Jesus narratives
Jesus Stories Bible
The stories about Jesus―and the stories Jesus told―have changed the world. They are still changing it today.