Small Churches in Tough Towns with Beckie Adams



Show Notes

How much difference can a Dinner Church make? In this episode, you'll hear from Beckie Adams, a Dinner Church leader in rural New Mexico. Over two years, their "Jesus Table" congregation has grown to the same size as their Sunday morning congregation. Their success happened despite the drugs, alcohol, and poverty that are an inescapable reality in their region. Listen to this podcast to explore the difference one small church in a small town can make.

Beckie Adams felt called to reach out to marginalized populations with a meal and conversation about life for about 15 years. She retired from the secular world in 2021 and, after completing the Dinner Church School of Leadership, launched Neighborhood Dinner @ the Landing in January 2023. She now serves as the pastor for this Dinner Church.

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Interview Summary

In this season of the podcast, Verlon Fosner, Director of the Dinner Church Collective, reunites with leaders trained through the DCC. Today’s focus is on Beckie Adams, a dedicated pastor leading a dinner church in Farmington, New Mexico. Beckie, alongside her husband who pastors a traditional church, has introduced an innovative church model that caters to marginalized communities by combining food, fellowship, and faith in a casual dinner setting.

The Origins of a Community Awakening

Beckie’s journey into dinner church began out of a necessity to reach those who might never step into a traditional church. Her inspiration blossomed at a conference where the concept of dinner church was discussed, aligning perfectly with her vision of ministry through hospitality and community engagement.

Challenges and Triumphs

Launching a dinner church is no small feat. Beckie’s path was fraught with personal and logistical hurdles, including family bereavements and health issues. Despite these setbacks, the launch was successful, and the impact was immediate.

The dinner church not only filled a spiritual void but also addressed the communal needs of fellowship and support in tough economic times.

Community Impact

The dinner church model has notably transformed community dynamics in Farmington. Beckie highlights how the church provides a sanctuary for those facing harsh realities, offering them dignity and a sense of belonging.

The dinner church provides not just a meal and a message but a sanctuary for those facing the harshest realities of life.

Expanding the Vision

As the concept of dinner church gains traction, it challenges traditional notions of what church means. Beckie’s story is a testament to the power of adaptive religious practices, especially in serving populations that are otherwise disengaged from conventional church settings.

Reflection Questions

  1. What makes the concept of a dinner church appealing to communities facing economic and social challenges?
  2. How does the dinner church model redefine the traditional understanding of church?
  3. In what ways can other communities adapt the dinner church model to fit their unique needs?
  4. How can traditional churches support emerging models like dinner church?
  5. What long-term impact could dinner churches have on the broader church landscape?

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